Fighting For Me

In iniquity I was born, and in iniquity my flesh leans. For this reason GOD sent angels out to watched over and protect me. Even when they see me stumble from my own ignorant deliberate actions. Yes, myriads and myriads of angels continue to fight our spiritual battles. Though we constantly find ways to test our LORD, they continue to keeping watch over us. By doing HIS bidding they fulfill their purpose to guide and protect us day and night. There are times we even worship them just to have them tell us not to. Many angels left their own abode to join Satan in his battle to destroy our souls. Yet the angels fighting for us still have direct access to GOD and are loyal to The ONE Who sent them out before us to keep us in the way and to bring us into the place which HE has prepared for us.

The only way we can truly see GOD, is not by our eyes, but rather by looking for HIM with a love that comes only from our heart, mind, and soul. Once we do, we will then see that GOD is the Truth and the Light. There is no one so blind as those who refuse to see GOD which only comes from the heart which only GOD can know. Once I learned that principle, is when my true relationship with Christ began, because that is when I opened up my heart and allowed HIS Spirit to to begin the transformation my heart, mind, and soul craved.

That part of me that needed to believe was stronger than the flesh that needed to see. Long ago when I was lost in the world, GOD wrote a love letter to my heart, but it wasn’t until I realized I needed to have a relationship with the Lover of my soul that I finally had the spiritual eyes to read the letter. I know HE exists, because I feel empty when I resist. HE gave up HIS power and left HIS great throne to take up human flesh so HE could die for me to have a pathway to home. Now I rejoice in HIS blood that cleansed me from the filth of my life. With eyes of my heart, I can finally see why the angels themselves always protected and fight for me.

Lord my Father, my GOD my Savior, thank YOU for Your Sacrificing your all so I can have eternal life. Amen.

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