• Ruth 2:1-13

    Marriage is a gift from GOD, but it’s certainly not the only gift that comes from HIM. When we look at the day Ruth and Boaz were allowed to meet one another, what we learn from that will apply to all the gifts God gives us. If God wanted to give you stewardship of some…

  • Ruth 4:1-22

    Because Ruth has claimed Boaz as her Kinsman Redeemer, Boaz is in a position to do what ever is in his legal right to do. His first course of action is to contact the one man who has first right to Naomi’s property, and the right to marry Ruth. Mind you, like Boaz, Christ too…

  • Ruth 3:1-18

    We see in todays study that Naomi is somewhat of a matchmaker, doing her best to manipulate things that will put everything in order. It is not a bad characteristic to have, especially in a male dominated World where women are property and seldom have rights. Yet, in Israel, GOD made provisions for the poor,…

  • Ruth 2:14-23

    Sometimes it’s not what we do, but rather what we are willing to do. This is an old saying, and in Ruth and Boaz’s situations it is all together true. In today’s study we see Ruth taking the advice of her mother-in-law ,Naomi, by heading out to the fields to glean for food. In those…

  • Ruth 1:6-22

    Ruth is a poignant story of faithless disobedience, that leads to death, sorrow, bitterness, and then loyalty and finally redemption. It’s my prayer that you will realize that if an inconspicuous Moabite peasant woman could achieve royalty for her descendants in Israel, then anyone can gain Salvation. The story of Ruth contains secrets to the…

  • Ruth 1:1-5

    The book of Ruth is a beautiful love story of a woman who left home and country to follow a woman she loved dearly. Ruth was a widow, who loved her mother-in-law so much she told her, “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go,…

  • Ruth Overview

    No Scripture gives a better picture of a Redeemer than the story of Ruth. In and of itself, Ruth is a love story involving a woman who married into an Israelite family living in her country of Moab. She is blessed to have a widowed mother-in-law she would grow to love like her own mother.…

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