Mary Had A Little LAMB

“Mary & The LAMB of GOD”

In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth, then on the sixth day HE created man. Yet man was lonely for there was no mate to be found for him.

So GOD put his crowning creation, Adam, in a deep sleep and created for him a helpmeet from his side. Thus the Lion of man was separated from the Lamb of man. Not that man was a god, but the lion/lamb in him was the nature of how he would be. So when GOD took woman from his side, man’s nature was in essence split in two. The man keeping the nature of a lion, while GOD’s new creation, woman, was given the nature like a lamb.

GOD said a man will leave his family and cleave to his wife and become one again. Thus together they shall be two distinctively different humans whose purpose would be to multiply, subdue the earth and worship their Father in heaven.

Sadly, they turned from GOD and ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So the Holy Trinity decided to evict them from the family estate, lest they also eat of the tree of life.

Many years later, The Holy Spirit visited a young virgin named Mary and the power of the Highest overshadowed her. This Mary had a little Lamb, which was the second Adam.

This child was both a Lion and the Lamb in one powerful package to which HE would one day lay down HIS life, so that whosoever believes in HIM shall again be able to walk in the very presence of a perfect Holy GOD.

Man’s time is close to being over. Soon Mary’s little Lamb will return as the Lion HE is, to bring HIS bride home. Then the final chapter will be played out for a fallen world, and GOD will create a new heaven and a new earth, and those who believe will live eternally in a new family estate, where our FATHER will again walk with HIS creation as it was in the beginning.

LORD Jesus come quickly,


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