Facts About Mary and Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem

by Chuck Ness

Some Facts About Mary & Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem

We do not know every detail of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. We do know some of the facts as recorded in the New Testament. We know that Mary and Joseph were human beings with thoughts and feelings. We can also glean from ancient Jewish Mishnah’s, and secular historical sources some information to help us understand some pertinent information not included in Scriptures about the time. Here are some of the particulars involved that may have been a factor in the events leading up to the birth of our Savior.

  1. When Caesar ordered that there would be a census, Mary would not be visited by The Angel of the Lord for a year or more

    1. The Jewish Religious leaders protested to Rome that it is against their religious rules to be counted. 

      1. God gave strict guidance on what should be done for a census

      2. Israelites punished because David did not following the guidance God gave Moses 

    2. Joseph and Mary may have just become betrothed when the census order came 

    3. It would take a year or more for the challenge to the census to reach the Roman Senate where the Senators would uphold the census.

      1. The challenge would be futile

      2. Roman Senate just rubber stamped what the Emperors desired 

  2. Because they were from the tribe of Judah they were required by law to go there ancestral home to register for the census

  3. Living in Nazareth, Joseph would be forced to take his pregnant bride to Bethlehem

    1. Bethlehem is approximately 80 miles from Nazareth

    2. Nazareth is in Galilee in the northern part of Israel.

    3. Bethlehem is in Judea in the southern part of Israel.

  4. They would have to go through a hilly country, then go to or pass by Jerusalem

    1. The last leg of their journey would be the worst

    2. Approaching Jerusalem they would be faced with some winding mountain roads

    3. They would have to climb 1,312 in elevation to get to Bethlehem

  5. No cars, no busses, no plane, just a donkey for Mary to ride while Joseph walks beside

    1. On the back of the donkey Mary rode was a cross

    2. The donkey is the only animal God created with a cross on it’s back

    3. On HIS journey inside the womb of Mary, Jesus rode to HIS birth on a cross

    4. Some 33 years later, He would ride on a donkey’s cross into Jerusalem

    5. Jesus came to the World riding on on a cross, one day HE would die on it for us

  6. On a straight path without any hills to climb and no pregnant woman to slow things down, it would take a healthy young man to walk a couple days to reach his destination.

  7. Joseph had his young bride who was ready to have the child any day, 

    1. Many women have had miscarriage due to such hardships through the years

    2. Many have died giving birth in such conditions, 

      1. Jacobs beloved Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin on such a journey as this

  8. It would take everything they could muster to reach their destination

    1. It would take God’s guidance and protection to make this trip safely

    2. Mary would be filling herself with thoughts of a warm room with a soft bed 

    3. It would be the only way she could keep herself from thinking of her pain and misery

  9. Bethlehem was a small community

    1. The influx of citizens coming to be counted easily overwhelmed the small village

    2. Joseph and Mary were blessed by God they were offered the animal shelter

  10. It was not December 

    1. Too cold in December

    2. The sheep would not be in the fields

    3. Yet Shepherds were still in the fields with their sheep

    4. It was most likely in late September

  11. The wise men would not show up for almost 2 years

Her is a link to an embellished story I wrote of Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem if you interested in read.

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