The Religion of The Climate Change Cult


For those who do not understand the blind loyalty of people who follow the Climate Change crusade, you must understand that to them it is nothing short of a religious belief. That’s right; Climate Change is a religion whose god is Mother Earth. For leftist politicians, it’s just another means to control the masses, but the religious aspect of Climate Change is ultimately how they are able to convince so many people that it truly does exist and man is responsible for creating it.

To really explain what it is I mean, I need to first define the term religion. Then I can show you how Climate Change fills all the needed requirements of a religion. To begin with, not all religions base their systems upon morals or some belief in an afterlife. Also, not all religious followers can properly explain exactly what it is they believe. The groups, practices and systems that we identify as religions are so diverse that it is no easy task to bring them all under one simple definition.

Of course, this difficulty has not stopped people from attempting to define religion. The definitions are quite wide-ranging with some religions emphasizing a personal indwelling kind of relationship, while others emphasize the social, more outward type of awareness of their personal being as it relates to their surroundings. Then, there are those who emphasize their beliefs as handed down through the generations and others the structures preserved from past generations. We see religions based upon their functions whether they be private or public. Some dwell upon the mundane and others the transcendent, then we have religions that focus their concentration upon the truths as defined by their leaders or writings, and finally I would also add that there are those who focus upon illusions that can be mustered up through meditation or drugs. In many cases, a person’s definition of religion is actually a definition of his or her own religion.

As you can see there are many facets of religion that, if a person is not already grounded firmly in their belief, they could easily be lured into a different faith than of their childhood. However, the one common theme among all types of religion is faith. You must ultimately have faith that what you believe is true, even though you cannot ultimately prove it, and faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. For the most part humans are hot-wired with a religious component to our souls, even agnostics and atheists have faith in what they believe. Another way to explain this would be to say we have all been created with an Addictive GOD Gene. Until we find the one true God, our Creator and Father, we will go from one addiction to another never feeling as fulfilled or satisfied as we would like to.

Like other false religions, those who follow the religion of Climate Change put their faith in the idea that something exists that they cannot ultimately prove exists. When you look at the lack of provable evidence for Climate Change and see that this lack of proof does not blunt the faith of those following it, you will come to the conclusion that it is a religion. Climate Change cannot be proved, but those who follow it don’t care to even consider the overwhelming evidence that proves it does not exist. I don’t care what’s in the Union of Concerned Scientists report, they haven’t gone through the proper steps to prove their belief. There is not an hypothesis they can prove. Therefore, there is no proof of Climate Change in a scientific way. Climate Change believers must rely upon faith, just as Christians rely on faith that there is a heaven.

Now, like many religions, Climate Change has its basic principles. One of those principles is that there is a sin component involved. Like its close relative the Environmental Wacko religion, it follows many of the same rules against sinning, because they worship the same god, Mother Earth:

  1. Thou shall recycle.
  2. Thou shall not allow second-hand smoke (but second-hand high from marijuana is okay).
  3. Thou shall not cut down redwood trees, develop mosquito-infested wetlands, or engage in any number of activities in ones daily life that would be “sinful”.

Correct behavior must be followed religiously. Climate Change sins include using fossil fuels, driving SUV’s, burning wood, using too many electric appliances, and drilling for oil. Those are just a few of the sins that can be committed against Mother Earth in the Climate Change religion. It is amazing how they want you to stop using so many electric appliances, but then want to put you in an electric car. 

Like Christianity, Climate Change relies feverishly on one thing–to keep everybody aware that the end is near. That is the apocalypse, the last days, the day when hellfire and damnation will fall upon all of us who have sinned. For those who put their faith in Christianity, they believe there will one day be an apocalyptic final end to everything. The Climate Change followers also have their belief in an end times. To them the apocalypse is the destruction of the world due to the use of fossil fuels that will ultimately destroy the planet through extreme warming.

We are told that the world is on its way to destruction, and that we have only a certain amount of years left. A cursory look at the many stories we are fed about our ultimate demise, due to Climate Change, will help prove this is a religion-based upon faith and not facts. If it were based upon scientifically-proven theories, there would not be 20 different stories in 25 different days over what’s happening with Climate Change, and how long it’s going to take to wipe us out.

The zealous, unreasoned activism this kind of thinking promotes is bad enough. But the second effect of this environmental apocalyptic fear mongering is arguably even more damaging. Casting human history and humanity’s achievements as effectively sinful, abominable, indeed fallen, can only demoralize people. It contributes to a broader societal pessimism that undercuts any prospects for positive social change.

All this makes Climate Change a religion who’s length and breadth of influence is as great as any major religion on this planet. Just look what they do to anyone who dares to tell the truth or even demand a debate about the facts. Now, unlike the theologians of Christianity, these climate cultists refuse to debate anyone who disagrees with him. This refusal puts the religion of Climate Change in the same category as cults like that of Jim Jones, whose “Peoples Temple” religion demanded unquestionable faith and requiring that all of his followers drink the Kool-Aid with out question.

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2 responses to “The Religion of The Climate Change Cult”

  1. Mark Behrens Avatar

    Spot on! This same formula was also used for Covid.

    1. Chuck Ness Avatar
      Chuck Ness

      You are 100% correct

      For the last 30 years, since the Clintons came to DC, almost every issue they advance has some sort of climate angle to convince the people as to why something needs to be taxed, regulated, eliminated, or the reason voters must elect or reelect them. Their climate indoctrination has become the main engine for their communist ideas.

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