Supreme Court Was Wrong In Their Abortion Ruling

It’s been a little over 2 years since the Supreme Court sent abortion back to the states, and now I’m even more convinced the SC was wrong in their ruling.  Yes, after 2 years we see state after state allowing voters to decide if it should be allowed. In every state controlled by Democrats, abortion has been legalized to the extreme, while states controlled by Republicans either tempered it down or outright outlawed the procedure. The states that allow for ballot measures, the citizens have been voting to allow abortion at some level. What have we learned well, the hearts of Americans have become as evil as the ancients who sacrificed their children to the Canaanite god Moloch.

I feared this would be the case, because men’s hearts are forever evil, and whether it be gambling, prostitution, or abortion humans will always chose evil over good. This is why the Supreme Court was wrong in sending abortion to the States. mark my word, unless the Supreme ruled the surgical procedure of gender realignment, then one day the people will vote for ballot measures legalizing it for children. I guess that is for another day though. Today I want to explain why I believe abortion should have been ruled unconstitutional. That’s right, I am not a fan of the way the Supreme Court abdicated their authority on the issue of abortion. Before I get to the nuts and bolts of why I believe the decision was wrong, I will admit that I am pro-life, and have been for well over 50 years.

Long before I became a Christian I have looked at abortion as an act of cold blooded murder, and while the argument for abortion has taken on many forms of excuses by the pro-choice crowd, there is only one reason an abortion should ever be performed. That case is if the fetus is already dead. Otherwise, not even if the mother’s life is in danger should a baby be murdered. Throughout history adults have always understood that their child’s life is more important than their own. Any other choice is just a selfish non-sacrificial stance. The only instance I would agree for an abortion is, as I stated, if the child in the womb is already dead.

As for rape or incest, well, I am the product of a rape, so I will not even respond to anyone who claims that as a man I have no right to an opinion. See, I have every right to my opinion because if, when I was conceived in 1956, abortion was as legal and prevalent as it is today, I never would have been born. I was the youngest of 8 children who’s father was such a loser he went to prison when I was 7, and welfare as we know it did not exist. We were so poor, I remember a black woman coming over to our house offering food and support for my mother who struggled nightly.

Now as for the Supreme Court sending abortion to the States, I would like to know why they so conveniently ignored the Constitution which is very explicit in its defense of innocent life. After all, if life is not a Constitutional matter, then nothing is. Let me begin by sharing the famous portion from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. Mind you, this is the Declaration used to challenge King George’s authority by claiming that we the people have rights given to us by GOD, and no government, not even his Monarchy, has a right to deny us. The key to my belief is highlighted in bold.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Yet even with this statement, we still needed to reiterate what the Founding Fathers already agreed upon, because too many were not allowed to enjoy these freedoms we went to war with King George over. So throughout our history we have amended our constitution to codify those rights, and one was the 14th Amendment which I will also use to buttress my stance on abortion as a constitutional matter, because abortion inhibits the ability for the most innocent of life to not only enjoy Life, but also inhibits their right to enjoy Liberty and Happiness. On July 9, 1886, the 14th Amendment was ratified, and in Section 1 of the Amendment the following statement exists. Again I highlighted in bold my Constitutional defense for the life of the unborn child.

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So we have the US Constitution defending life, and the Amendment that forces the States to defend life. While the amendment does talk about due process, this has to do with legalities one may have violated which could lead to them losing their right to liberty. Yet, I want someone tell me what Federal or State law has any unborn child ever violated that allows anyone to deny them their right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Thus, for the US Supreme Court to claim abortion is a matter of States rights is absurd! The Court needs to stop abdicating their power and rule on the merit of the Constitutionality of Abortion as in how it pertains to the Constitutions claim that all have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and stop playing word games at the expense of tens of millions of unborn children. An unborn child is a life with a heart beat that needs to be protected, and not treated like toilet tissue.

Before I continue, I must address the argument many pro-choice supporters use while responding to Christians who use the Bible to argue against abortion. Their argument is that even GOD allows abortion because HE called for the killing of children, babies, and even pregnant women at times in the Old Testament. Yet when we go back and read of the times they refer to, we must start when GOD made HIS covenant with Abraham. At that time, GOD told him that his descendants would inherit the land after many years in bondage, and after the iniquity of the lands was complete.

“Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions. Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried at a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”
(Genesis 15:13-16)

After the iniquity of the Amorites, refers to when the people would have become so corrupt that they had to be destroyed. The Canaanite culture and religion at the time had become so polluted, corrupt, and perverted there was no hope of recovery. Their society included bestiality, mass sex orgies, rampant homosexuality to the point that most were physically diseased from their illicit behavior. There simply was no viable solution to their condition except destruction. Even many animals had become so infected with their perversity, that their existence on this Earth had to be terminated. Just like in Noah’s day when God waited 120 years while Noah preached to the people. Yet he was unable to turn even one soul outside his family back to GOD. Matthew Henry explained this passage, as it also explains other times GOD’s wrath was felt by evil societies.

“The measure of sin fills gradually. Those that continue impenitent in wicked ways are treasuring up unto themselves wrath. Some people’s measure of sin fills slowly. The Sodomites, who were sinners before the Lord exceedingly, soon filled their measure; so did the Jews, who were, in profession, near to GOD. But the iniquity of the Amorites was long in the filling. That this is the reason of the prosperity of wicked people; the measure of their sins is not yet full. The wicked live, become old, and are mighty in power, while GOD is laying up their iniquity for their children,”
(Matthew Henry)

As for the children, whom GOD ordered Joshua to kill while conquering the promised land, you must realize that in reality GOD was saving them from living in the type misery their societies would subject them to. It is better they died when they are too young to know right from wrong, than to wait until their hearts and souls are so corrupted with evil that they too would be condemned to hell like their parents were. Yes, for some children, GOD may decide it is better for them to die at a young age and enter Heaven, than to grow up and be corrupted. When it comes to some difficult passages in the Scriptures, one must understand that God is more interested in the eternal existence of our souls than HE is about our physical life in the World.

Now some claim that if pro-lifers are so bent on ending abortion that we should push for a new amendment to the constitution. Yet, they know that in today’s climate no new amendments will be agreed upon to pass.  This is why I claim that we don’t need another amendment, because 14th Amendment already covers the rights of the unborn child. Also, by getting involved through the years, the Supreme Court has already put themselves in the mix on abortion.

Among their many rulings, the High Court has ruled in the past that partial birth abortion is unconstitutional. Well that means the unborn child has a constitutional right not to be aborted after a certain time. Obviously they are admitting that the baby in the womb is human with rights. Add in how the states will actually charge, convict and send to prison any person who murders a pregnant woman for 2 homicides. Well, legally wise you can only be charged with murder if you killed another human. Thus, if the states are admitting a baby in the womb is a human, and the High Court is admitting the baby in the womb is a human, then under the 14th Amendment, abortion is a violation of an unborn child’s Constitutional rights. How anyone can deny that the 14th amendment fits for this crime of abortion is beyond me. This why we do not need another amendment.

There are so many sideway arguments for and against the ruling on Dobbs, that everyone gets lost on the main issue, “The Constitutionality of killing innocent life.” The arguments that the Supreme Court has no say in the matter because without any mention of abortion in the constitution it is not a federal matter, is quite weak. Finally I will share a comment I read on this elsewhere, It is in jest, but the point is well stated.

“””Can’t wait until they declare rape is not a federal crime because it is not mentioned in the constitution. Imagine the good we can do by returning rape to the states.”””

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4 responses to “Supreme Court Was Wrong In Their Abortion Ruling”

  1. Susan Sorian Avatar

    Excellent, Chuck! Great information, and very well written.
    There are a couple of typos you may want to fix – I am a professional and habitual proofreader if you’d like my help.

    1. Chuck Ness Avatar
      Chuck Ness

      Thanks a Susan

      I did edit the beginning of the article and possibly fixed some errors If you could let me know which ones I missed I will correct them

  2. Len Mullen Avatar
    Len Mullen

    Sorry, Chuck, Dobbs had nothing to do with abortion. It was about federal overreach. The Tenth Amendment says that ‘the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people’. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to regulate abortion. It was a good ruling that should reap rewards for Americans going forward.

    I used to think government was a necessary evil. I no longer believe it is necessary.

    1. Chuck Ness Avatar
      Chuck Ness

      We disagree, because even if it didn’t as you say, the court had an obligation to do so. After all we seen them do it time and time again by reaching. Usually for bad reasons, This time was a good reason.

      I will never relent on this, the Supreme Court through the years has vacillated all over this topic in ways where they even condoned different types of abortion while limited others. It was time for them to step up, and they failed. Mind you, abortion will crawl back in every state, and the court will be the reason it happens’ because they do not have a stomach for it. Why is it only leftists courts have the stomach to overreach.

      In the case of life, I do not consider it an overreach to just outlaw it and let the chips fall where they may.I am a firm believer that if they did, there would not be as many angry voters as many think, because GOD will have won the day, instead of Satan.

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