Stolen Again????

I have been around FreeRepublic for over 26 years, and one thing I notice is how the more things change, the more they get worse, not better. Everyone needs to understand that we the people are the inmates, and what ultimately happens to us is of no concern of those running this asylum we call America. I have learned that while there are good people elected to office, the vast majority of them are in it for themselves. After all, the days of the citizens getting elected to do their civic duty, then going back home after a few terms is long gone.

Today we have popularity contests between people no one knows, pushed by other people we don’t know, and then the winner moves to the state capital, or, Washington, get sworn in and, if we are lucky, they will leave office before they die. Sadly the majority leave after their mental capacity has diminished or just die in office. In reality, our existence is of no concern to them, until they run to get re-elected.

In the movie, “The Green Mile,” we are introduced to the phrase, “Dead Man Walking.” It’s a supernatural story of what happens with some death row inmates, and the men who guard them. The phrase refers to the last walk, a man on death row, takes as he heads to the electrical chair in a room at the end of the hallway. Short of a stay of execution by the Governor or the Supreme Court, the man, or women, will take that walk and there is nothing they can do but face reality. From the moment they are put on death row, their lives are useless, and all they have to look forward to is that long walk to a chair.

Through the years most politicians have learned how to keep us clueless as to what they are really doing by hiring pubic relation firms to help them fool the voters. We call them campaign managers, but in reality they are just a bunch of PR advisors. No different than the idiots hired by companies to give them advice on how to fool us into buying something we actually don’t need. Sadly, through the years politicians have gotten wiser while the voters have gotten dumber.

A perfect example is the how the Clintons were able to fool the public into believing they were doing the business of the people. When in reality they spent eight years giving the people the business instead. From the moment they entered the office, they changed politics for ever by using the office of the Presidency as their personal PR firm instead of the office of, by, and for the people. To understand the full impact of what the Clintons did when they assumed the office in January 1993 we have to go back to the days after they entered the oval office. Now, there are 93 United States Attorneys appointed to the 94 federal judicial districts across the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. The first thing the Clintons did was fire every one, and then replaced them with their own loyal handpicked attorneys.

With the help of the MSM, the Clintons were able to redirect any problems away from them. Rush Limbaugh at one time informed us that the Clinton regime had a policy to do so many underhanded, borderline illegal things that the Republicans could never keep up.  With the help of a sycophant loyal media, they just accused the opposition of always complaining. The more the Republicans pointed out what the Clinton’s were doing, the more the Republicans were accused constantly complaining instead of wanting to govern.

The next thing they did was steal 900 FBI files of the top Republicans and their supporters. So regardless of their own illegalities, they knew the dirt they had on the Republicans would allow them to get away with things. If you look back after Gingrich was removed, you will notice how it sure seemed that the Republican Speakers actually helped the Clintons, and later Obama. Now that we know about form speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert’s proclivities for little boys, we can see why he gladly worked with the opposition so much. I still wonder what Obama had on former Speakers, John Boehner and Paul Ryan.

Go ahead and look back at all those Republicans we once trusted, and how they all turned against Trump, thus against us, the people. Well, here we are 30 years after the Clintons brought Arkansas politics to Washington, and the Democrats have a firm control of everything. Oh, sure we have the house, but do we really? When you look at the US Senate, the Democrats hold only a two seat majority, yet Republicans Senators seem to work with Biden more than they did with Trump. Why else does Biden can get almost anything he wants without much fight from Republicans? Maybe the fact the Senate’s Republican minority leader, Mitch McConnell, has been in the Senate since 1985, and they’ve had his FBI file since 1993. Then add into all this that, while we may have a majority conservative Supreme Court, it sure seems they often times rule in favor of the left in ways that make us scratch our heads.

Well, thanks to the moderate Republicans and conservatives on the high court selling out to the left, we cannot even count on honest elections anymore.  Look across the country, even in states controlled by Republican, we see RINO Governors and liberal courts who have assured the Democrats will keep elections to stay in power. Thus for the vast amount of Americans who desperately want change, we have no power. The left learned well from their friends the communists, it’s not who votes that counts, but those who count the vote. It worked for the Soviet Union for 70 years, and for the Chi-coms for almost 80 years. Today, we can only pray that come November, the Democrats will lose control.

Yet, will they?

The United States has entered the twilight zone of reality, and those who count the vote continually get away with whatever they desire to do. So far even the US Supreme Court has yet to rule against the Democrats on stealing elections. Time and time again it does not matter if they cheated. So too, is the response we get from Republicans who have done nothing to ever stop the Democrats from cheating.

Someone please tell me ONE thing the Republicans have ever done in the past 2 to 4 years to stop the Democrats from stealing the elections. We can go back as far back as 1996 when the Republican party allowed the Democrats to steal B-1 Bob Dornan’s House seat, and again in “2008” when they refused to fight for Coleman’s US Senate seat in Minnesota. Ever since the Democrats learned that the Republican party will not fight for stolen elections, they have just continued stealing election after election. Then in 2020, the Republican party refused to fight for Donald Trump.

Time and time again the Republican party has sat back, allowing the Democrats to steal one election after another. In 28 years since Sanchez was allowed to steal Dornan’s seat, I have yet to see either the Republicans or the Supreme Court stand up and defend the integrity of elections. Now we have Willie Brown’s paramour, installed as the Democrat party’s nominee for President.

Mind you, since 2020 there has been nothing, or very little to protect the integrity of our elections, Well I for one am not convinced that Trump will win come November. Not because the voters pulled a lever for Harris, but because the Democrats will steal the election again. Then, as in 2000, the I do not expect the Republicans, nor the Supreme Court to step up to the plate. However, even IF Trump wins, I expect to see many Republican’s to join the Democrats in stopping anything he does while attempting to destroy him just as they did last time. Also, if Republicans win the Senate, can anyone convince me that enough Republican Senators will have Trump’s back when the attacks from the left and MSM begin?

I often times pray for God to intervene one more time to give us another chance. Yet, so often men just thumb their proverbial finger into God’s proverbial eye, as they tell Him to leave us alone. Mind you, Christ will not be returning because government is bad. Nope, He will return because men’s hearts are evil. Even if Trump wins, America will fall. The writing is on the wall, and we don’t need Daniel to interpret what its says. I stated in the beginning of this rant, that I have been a Freeper for 26 years, and one thing I notice is how the more things change, the more they get worse, not better.

I am convinced that even if Trump wins, in 6 to 10 years from now, America will be an even worse place to live than it is now. Evil does not become less evil over time, it becomes more evil.  Look at the those who will be replacing us as we old timers die. As bad as things are now, give it another 10 to 25 years, and the United States as we know it will cease to exist. If we do not change the way our elections are held soon, well then things will just get worse.

I’ll leave you with this thought. Consider what kind of world we are leaving behind for our children and grandchildren. See, if we don’t fix things, and fix them soon, then their lives will be like those on death row. They will be but dead men walking, just waiting to take that long walk down a hallway of misery where a chair awaits them.

I am open to anyone who thinks they can convince me I’m wrong.

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2 responses to “Stolen Again????”

  1. Susan Avatar

    I sadly could not agree more. I am encouraging the young to emigrate. We have reached the end of the Empire.
    Say it ain’t so, Joe please say it ain’t so
    It’s not what we wanna hear but we’ve got a right to know..

    1. Chuck Ness Avatar
      Chuck Ness


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