• Original Report I wrote On Rape Trees in 2009

    Original Report I wrote On Rape Trees in 2009

    by Chuck Ness To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing. Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has…

  • Mexican Rape Monuments Along Immigrant Highway

    Mexican Rape Monuments Along Immigrant Highway

    By Chuck Ness  To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing. Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has…

  • Homosexuality : Defiance of God and the Truth

    Homosexuality : Defiance of God and the Truth

    by Chuck Ness With the recent success of proposition 8 in California, and the polls showing a majority of Americans across the country opposed to giving marital status to homosexual couples, one would think that the same sex-marriage debate would have faded away. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Every week we hear of…

  • Religious Leaders Win Right Speak Out on Politics

    by Chuck Ness Every election year religious leaders across America have been warned not speak out from their pulpits about candidates or issues up for a vote. Now in a major ruling that supports their 1st amendment right to free speech, the IRS has given Christians across the country a victory in their battle with…

  • APA reverses itself on Claim of “Gay Gene”

    APA reverses itself on Claim of “Gay Gene”

    In the last 30 years, the American people have been fed lie after lie that the homosexual lifestyle is a normal way of living and that there was just a matter of time before scientists would even prove that a person was born gay. So the idea that the gay lifestyle is natural has been…

  • Socialism, A Return to Feudalism and the Dark Ages

    Socialism, A Return to Feudalism and the Dark Ages

    by Chuck Ness Am I the only one who feels like the Muslim in the White House and his socialist buddies in congress are trying to return us back to the feudal days, where everything including the people are owned by the government. As good serfs, we are to just shut up and follow the…

  • Scratching Those Itchy Ears

    Scratching Those Itchy Ears

    by Chuck Ness Whenever I grab a book to read and sit on the couch, I can always count on my dog to come over and jump up and settle next to me. Just about the time I kick back to relax she lays her head on my lap and gives me that look. Oh…

  • The Ugly Result of Convincing Christians, That Christ Was A Socialist

    The Ugly Result of Convincing Christians, That Christ Was A Socialist

    by Chuck Ness These numbers go to the heart of the reason I felt the need to write my article on Jesus not being a Socialist and why Christians need to learn the truth. A recent survey of Protestants was released in early March of 2009. The CVS (The Mainline Protestant Clergy Voices Survey) surveyed…

  • Judge’s Rules Global Warming is a Religion

    by Chuck Ness In a ruling that is sure to cause more headaches than the left realizes, a British judge has ruled in favor of a man who was fired on grounds that he was unfairly dismissed due to religious views. Judge David Sneath ruled that an executive fired from a property company can claim…

  • Obama’s Ungodly Youth Corp

    Obama’s Ungodly Youth Corp

    by Chuck Ness What is it about socialists, that makes them despise religion? It seems that whenever a Socialists wins an election that gives them the ultimate power in a country, the first thing they try to do is remove religion as a force in that society.  Oh it’s not done in a way that…

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